Friday 20th November at 2 pm with cocktails at 6-7pm
At Dunas Douradas Beach Club, Almancil

Entry:Players: €40 per pair; Non-Playing Guests from 6 p.m.: €10 per person
Buffet lunch optional from 12.30 p.m.: €10 per person (drinks extra)
There will be a Tombola with many fantastic prizes donated by local sponsors
All donations to the tombola gratefully received before 18th November.
For reservations, please call Susie (917 814 300 or 289 389604) or E-mail susie@accakids.com
For further details (bridge-related), please call Mo (919 808 097) or Alex (289 358668)
For delivery of tombola prizes, please call Elizabeth (917 090 933)
All proceeds to ACCA
Other Information:The format will be 3 sections of up to 8 tables playing a Mitchell Movement with prizes for sections and overall. All sections will play the same boards and copies of hands with commentaries will be available at the end.
Reservations must be made in advance for the tournament, cocktails and buffet lunch (if required)
Cancellations within 48 hours of the event may be liable to pay full price
Entries to the Tournament will be limited to 48 pairs and accepted strictly in order of receipt.
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