sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

Halloween 2010 at the Beach Club

29th October

Halloween Activities and Dinner with Costume Parade & Judging

Following the great success from last year's Halloween night,

the Beach Club organized a day of fun for the whole family.

Check the Programme here

(Children/entrants need to bring costumes and accessories)

Prizes will be awarded for Best Girl and Boy Costume.

Price per Children: 35€ (Dinner included)


terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

Property Awards

Another "victory" for Dunas Douradas Beach Club. After been presented, in 2009, with the awards of "Best Architectural Design" and "Best Resort Apartment" categories in the annual CNBC Awards event; the Beach Club was now recognized as "Best Development in EUROPE", "best Development in Portugal" and also "Highly Commended Best Interior Design Portugal".

Undoubtely another reason of pride for all of us at DDBC, but also for all the Owners and Guests.

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

1st Kids Fashion Show at the Beach Club


31st August and 1st September - 6.15pm - Workshop modelling
Price: € 20 per child

8.00pm - Dinner staff & clients
Price: € 25 adults / €10,00 children (12 years old)

After dinner: Kids Fashion Show

To register your child, please call Gym, Health Club & Spa reception at : 289 351352

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010

BBQ 29th August / Churrasco 29 de Agosto

Dunas Douradas Beach Club
BBQ / Jantar Churrasco

Saladas / Salads:

Salada de Agrião com "Citrinos" / Water cress Salad with Citrus
Salada de Arroz com Frutos Secos / Rice Salad with Dried Fruits
Salada de Pimentos Assados / Roasted Peppers Salad
Salada de Frango com Fruta / Chicken Salad with Fruits
Cogumelos Salteados / Sautéed Mushrooms
Tomates Recheados com Ovo “Mimosa” / Filled Tomatoes with “Mimosa” Egg
Salmão Fumado / Smoked Salmon

Saladas Simples: Tomate, Pepino, Pimentos, Cenoura, Alface e Cebola, “Pickles”, Azeitonas
Plain Salads: Tomato, Cucumber, Peppers, Carrots, Onions and Lettuce, Pickles and Olives
Molhos: Vinagreta de Limão, Vinagreta Balsâmica, Tártaro
Dressings: Lemon Vinaigrette, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Tartar Sauce

Quentes / Hot Dishes:

Sopa de Legumes / Vegetable Soup
Batata Salteada / Sauteed Potatoes
Arroz de Coentros/ Coriander Rice
Tomates Grelhados / Grilled Tomatoes
Legumes da Época / Season Vegetables

Na Grelha / On the Grill:

Hambúrguer de Novilho / Beef Burger
Salsichas Frescas / Fresh Sausages
Frango Piri-piri / Chicken Piri-piri
Costeletas de Borrego / Grilled Lamb Cutlets
Salmão, Sardinhas, Lulas / Salmon, Sardines, Squid

Sobremesas / Desserts:

Salada de Frutas, Bolo de Chocolate, Torta de Amêndoa, “Semi-frio” de Morango, “Tiramisu”, Fruta Laminada
Fruit Salad, Chocolate Cake, Almond Roll, Strawberry Parfait, Tiramisu, Sliced Fruits

Preço por Pessoa 22,50€ / Price per Person 22,50€
Não haverá descontos /No Discount Allowed
Crianças 12€( 12 anos)/ Children 12€ (12Years)
Bebidas não Incluídas / Drinks not Included


sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Sunday BBQ / Churrasco de Domingo

BBQ de Domingo / Sunday BBQ

Domingo 22 de Agosto / Sunday 22nd August


Saladas / Salads:

Salada Coleslaw / Coleslaw Salad

Salada de Atum com Feijão Verde / Tuna Salad with Green Beans

Salada de Queijo Fetta / Fetta Cheese Salad

Salada de Massa com Molho de Açafrão / Pasta Salad with Saffron Sauce

Salada de Tomate & Mozzarella / Tomato & Mozzarella Salad

Salada Montanheira / Country Style Salad

Salada de Palmitos / Palm Heart Salad

Saladas Simples: Tomate, Pepino, Pimentos, Cenoura, Alface e Cebola, “Pickles”, Azeitonas

Plain Salads: Tomato, Cucumber, Peppers, Carrots, Onions and Lettuce, Pickles and Olives

Molhos: Vinagreta de Limão, Vinagreta Balsâmica, Tártaro

Dressings: Lemon Vinaigrette, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Tartar Sauce

Quentes / Hot Dishes:

Sopa de Legumes / Vegetable Soup

Batata Salteada / Sauteed Potatoes

Arroz de Coentros / Coriander Rice

Tomates Grelhados / Grilled Tomatoes

Legumes da Época / Seasonal Vegetables

Na Grelha / On the Grill:

Hambúrguer de Novilho / Beef Burger

Salsichas Frescas / Fresh Sausages

Frango Piri-piri / Chicken Piri-piri

Costeletas de Borrego / Grilled Lamb Cutlets

Salmão, Sardinhas, Lulas / Salmon, Sardines, Squid

Sobremesas / Desserts:

Salada de Frutas, Bolo de Chocolate, Torta de Laranja,

Arroz Doce, Tarte de Frutos do Bosque, Fruta Laminada

Fruit Salad, Chocolate Cake, Orange Roll, Sweet Rice,

Red Berries Tart, Sliced Fruits

Preço por Pessoa 22,50€ / Price per Person 22,50€

Não haverá descontos /No Discount Allowed

Crianças 12€( 12 ano)/ Children 12€ (12Years)

Bebidas não Incluídas / Drinks not Included



segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

Weekly Programme Summer 2010

We have a fantastic programme of weekly events and entertainment during the Summer to make your evenings with us a truly memorable experience.

Tuesdays - Seafood night - Live music with Sávio

Wednesdays - Live music with Pedro Mariani

Fridays - Jazz music with Jackie Ashworth

Saturdays - Live music with "The Business" band

Sundays - BBQ evening - Live music with Paulo Brasuca

quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Bicycle Ride 30th July / Passeio BTT 30 de Julho

Dunas Douradas Beach Club 15Km ride to Ria Formosa Natural Park

Percurso de 15 Km à Ria Formosa

inscription: €5

Bicicle + helmet / Bicicleta + capacete €17

For more information / Para mais informações: 289351352

Programme / PROGRAMA
Adults and Juniors + 13 years old
Adultos e jovens a partir dos 13 anos

8.45amMeeting+Stretching / 8H45-Chamada + alongamento

9.00am Departure / 9H00-Partida

11.15am Arrival+Stretching/ 11H45-Chegada + alongamento